Avis clients sur Dayforce HCM (2024)

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Avis clients sur Dayforce HCM (2)

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En savoir plus sur Dayforce HCM

Avantages :

Ease of setup and onboarding. Integration in all areas of the product.

Inconvénients :

The Customer Service is really poor. I have been asking for this report that I used with the system that I used with the system I had used prior to Ceridian Dayforce.

Dayforce HCM - Notes

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Dayforce HCM a reçu une note globale de 4,3 étoiles sur 5 d'après 977 avis d'utilisateurs publiés sur Capterra.

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Utilisateur vérifié

Utilisateur LinkedIn vérifié

Marketing et publicité, Auto-entrepreneur

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus d'un an

Source de l'avis

Dayforce HCM, un logiciel idéal pour la gestion des tâches de marketing liées aux RH

5,0il y a 12 mois

Commentaires :En bref, Dayforce HCM est une solution puissante pour la gestion des ressources humaines et des effectifs. La plateforme peut avoir un impact sur les activités de marketing liées aux ressources humaines. En revanche, elle n'est pas adaptée aux fonctions plus larges de marketing numérique. Les entreprises doivent évaluer leurs besoins spécifiques en matière de ressources humaines et de marketing pour déterminer si l'outil convient à leurs exigences.

Avantages :

Dayforce HCM est un logiciel convivial, sécurisé et agréable à utiliser pour gérer les tâches de marketing liées aux ressources humaines d'une organisation. Je le recommande à toutes les entreprises qui recherchent un outil plurifonctionnel dédié au service RH. La plateforme s'occupe à la fois de la paie, le suivi des heures et des présences, la gestion des avantages sociaux et la gestion des talents. Elle permet ainsi de rationaliser les processus RH. En outre, il s'agit d'un outil professionnel qui peut s'intégrer à d'autres systèmes d'entreprise, tels que les logiciels de comptabilité. Cet avantage permet d'améliorer la précision des données et l'efficacité des tâches de marketing liées aux ressources humaines.

Inconvénients :

Dayforce HCM est un logiciel efficace pour traiter des informations sur les salariés et peut etre utiliser à des fins de marketing. Cependant, le logiciel a des fonctionnalités marketing limitées. Même s'il propose à l'utilisateur certaines fonctions de base pour la communication avec des employés, l'outil ne peut pas s'occuper des campagnes marketing plus avancées.


CEO (Sénégal)

Conseil en gestion, Auto-entrepreneur

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus d'un an

Source de l'avis

Logiciel de gestion des employés

4,0il y a 2 ans

Commentaires :Mon expérience globale d'utilisation a été intéressante. Il m'a fallu peu de temps pour définir mes préférences. Dayforce est facilement personnalisable pour répondre à nos besoins et requêtes .

Avantages :

Dayforce HCM est assez facile à utiliser. Le système a beaucoup de flexibilité et de fonctionnalités

Inconvénients :

Chaque module que nous a un coût spécifique et il y a parfois des problèmes de bugs

Avis clients sur Dayforce HCM (3)


Agronomie (Bénin)

Utilisateur LinkedIn vérifié

Comptabilité, 11–50 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : Essai gratuit

Source de l'avis

Dayforce HCM logiciel des ressources humaines

5,0il y a 7 mois

Commentaires :Dayforce HCM logiciel de bonne conduite

Avantages :

Dayforce HCM est un logiciel qui permet l'amélioration précise des données et des marketing.

Inconvénients :

Dayforce HCM intervient dans le traitement salariale

Avis clients sur Dayforce HCM (4)


Corporate Compensation, Payroll and Benefits Manager (É.-U.)

Utilisateur LinkedIn vérifié

Santé, bien-être et fitness, 1 001–5 000 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus d'un an

Source de l'avis

Dayforce HCM

5,0l’année dernière

Commentaires :I love the software platform. I was the project leader during implementation and have been the Administrator since. This is in addition to the Payroll Manager, Benefits Manager, Leave of Absence Administrator and Entitlements Manager. I could not do all of this if the software was exceptional.

Avantages :

Dayforce is fully integrated and offers real-time data. The features are easy to use and understand. There is full transparency for both managers and employees. There is a full arsenal of reporting and dashboard options so downloading information is easy. While customization costs, it is an effective way to ensure that the look and feel convey your environment.

Inconvénients :

Any changes needed to your set up result in very high priced change orders, even when the change requested is because of Ceridian issue. The service time for these change projects can sometimes be in excess of 6 months.


HRIS (É.-U.)

Hôpitaux et soins de santé, 1 001–5 000 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus de deux ans

Source de l'avis

Does the job

4,0le mois dernierNouveau

Commentaires :Generally positive. It's niche for certain industries, US or Canada are great.

Avantages :

Effective and customizable US timetracking, labor cost features, balance tracking, and payroll processing.

Inconvénients :

Recruiting/Candidate functions are clunky and not fully integrated in a meaningful way. Forms/workflows require a lot of expertise and trial/error. Majority countries in APAC are not 'native' payroll engines, so there's a lot of rules and parameters, not a lot of flexibility or automation without some out-of-system workarounds.


Manager, Talent Acquisition (É.-U.)

Hôpitaux et soins de santé, 501–1 000 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus de deux ans

Source de l'avis

Dayforce HCM

3,0il y a 3 semainesNouveau

Avantages :

The system is generally user friendly. The Hub feature is nice

Inconvénients :

The recruiting module seems like an afterthought. Recruiting is my main focus.


Director of Human Resources (É.-U.)

Automobile, 1 001–5 000 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus de deux ans

Source de l'avis

Excellent Overall Product

5,0il y a 2 moisNouveau

Avantages :

Dayforce is an entirely capable product with excellent module flexibility and capability. Dayforce also gives the user ownership and control to customize the product as they prefer for their organization.

Inconvénients :

The recruiting module could use some overall improvement.


HR Systems Manager (R.-U.)

Hôpitaux et soins de santé, 1 001–5 000 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus de deux ans

Source de l'avis

Empowering System

5,0le mois dernierNouveau

Commentaires :Overall, I believe Dayforce works well for our business. It has been key in propelling us forward and empowering our managers to have accountability and oversight of key information.

Avantages :

The self service and ease of use. That integration with other platforms is possible, however a lot of HRIS needs as catered to through Dayforce itself.

Inconvénients :

There are a lot of nuances to each individual business and sometimes this cant be catered to. If it is possible, then it usually comes with additional cost to the business.


Dayforce configuration analyst (R.-U.)

Services et technologies de l'information, 501–1 000 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus de deux ans

Source de l'avis

Good system

4,0il y a 2 moisNouveau

Avantages :

Dayforce covers multiple modules that are critical to any company. The tech support is also helpful so there is usually an answer to the most critical issue

Inconvénients :

at times it can be clunky. Engagement survey is simple - too simple


HRIS Manager (Australie)

Vente au détail, 1 001–5 000 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus de deux ans

Source de l'avis

Fully Integrated HCM solutions

4,0il y a 2 mois

Avantages :

Fully Integrated HCM solutions with strong integration capabalities

Inconvénients :

Talent features can be improved to close match best of breed products in the market

Utilisateur vérifié

Utilisateur LinkedIn vérifié

Vente au détail, 1 001–5 000 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus de deux ans

Source de l'avis

All in one stop for HR needs

4,0il y a 2 moisNouveau

Avantages :

Always innovative, updating, creating cool new products

Inconvénients :

Cost and quality of support services is where they fail


Automation Engineer IV (É.-U.)

Produits pharmaceutiques, 10 000+ employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus d'un an

Source de l'avis

Great digital alternative to time tracking

4,0il y a 3 semainesNouveau

Commentaires :Overall Dayforce has been great for us to allow everything to be easily accessed and much more organized. I'd highly recommend this to anyone that is looking to replace tedious paperwork with a digital alternative

Avantages :

Dayforce allowed our company to put timesheets and other information in a digital environment and allow us to rely less on paper and keep everything more organized.

Inconvénients :

Absence of leave tracking such as vacation could be improved, allow end users to customize different options for sick leave, bereavement etc.


HR Manager (Canada)


Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus d'un an

Source de l'avis

Source : SoftwareAdvice

Dayforce product review

4,5il y a 8 ans

Avantages :

Very user friendly and easy to use, especially for employees who are proficient in technology. Timesheet and scheduling modules provide a great snap shot of employees approvals, balances and work schedule. One of my favorite features is the ability to delegate user access and privileges for holiday coverage.

Inconvénients :

Slow client solution response times. If you are requesting a special report or task, it can take awhile to have that request completed. I had to wait over a month for my custom compensation report. Solution response time for any issues that impact the business are a lot quicker (a couple of business days) however I would still prefer it was quicker.


executive director (É.-U.)

Gestion d'organisme à but non lucratif, 2–10 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus de deux ans

Source de l'avis

Alternatives envisagées précédemment :

ADP Workforce Now

We use Dayforce for all our payroll activities.

5,0l’année dernière

Commentaires :Our entire organization has been using Dayforce now for several years. It is user friendly and can be learned quickly even by our employees who are not very tech savvy.

Avantages :

Dayforce is a "one for all" program that handles all of our workforce time tracking and scheduling needs.

Inconvénients :

I have found that management approvals through the app are not quite as easy as they are online.


HR Generalist (É.-U.)

Télécommunications, 201–500 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus d'un an

Source de l'avis

Alternatives envisagées précédemment :

Paychex Flex

Experience with Dayforce

3,0l’année dernière

Commentaires :Overall it was decided the product was not the right fit for the organization.

Avantages :

The initial platform was nice. The way the product was explained to be simply access and easy to maneuver from step to step when onboarding new employees.

Inconvénients :

The site would have constant technical issues. Not user friendly at all. The EDI feeds and all


Human Resources Executive (É.-U.)

Hôtellerie, 5 001–10 000 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus d'un an

Source de l'avis

Dayforce handles various HR tasks in one place

4,0l’année dernière

Commentaires :We've been able to cut down on the time it takes to onboard new employees by using Dayforce Onboarding to handle the corresponding decrease in paper forms.

Avantages :

One of Dayforce's strongest points is its ability to automatically calculate payroll. Payroll has been greatly simplified and accelerated by this new functionality. On top of that, they provide a holistic HR solution covering everything from applicant tracking to benefits administration.

Inconvénients :

Ceridian Dayforce's customer care is the worst part of the product. They are continually working to make improvements, but frontline employees typically lack the expertise required to provide prompt, effective assistance to more advanced users.

Avis clients sur Dayforce HCM (7)


Human Resources Generalist (É.-U.)

Utilisateur LinkedIn vérifié

Hôpitaux et soins de santé, 10 000+ employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus d'un an

Source de l'avis

It centralizes all of our record-keeping

4,0l’année dernière

Commentaires :It consolidates our filing systems into a single location. Employees only need one login to enjoy the full range of benefits. Time may be tracked daily, and annual reviews and objectives can be modified with this system.

Avantages :

The Dayforce platform allows for extensive customization. From scheduling to advancement to benefits to individual employee profiles. The centralization of these capabilities makes it easy for both the supervisor and the worker to track everything.

Inconvénients :

The timesheet tool is just one example of a bit of a pain to navigate. It takes a lot of clicking around to get to the final tally of hours put in.


Payroll Manager (É.-U.)

Construction, 201–500 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus d'un an

Source de l'avis

Alternatives envisagées précédemment :


DF Review

3,0il y a 11 mois

Commentaires :We are still learning and continue to perfect our needs and our abilities.

Avantages :

EE's can share legal entities, ease of moving employees, international component

Inconvénients :

Support, benefits and payroll cannot talk to one another for reporting purposes!! Crazy!!


Director of HR (É.-U.)

Gestion de l'enseignement, 1 001–5 000 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus d'un an

Source de l'avis

Alternatives envisagées précédemment :


Employee-friendly self-service once implementation hills are climbed

4,0il y a 5 ans

Avantages :

The ease of and accessibility of reporting and the self-service features for employees, including the always-expanding app, is wonderful. I also find the handshake between the onboarding feature and the HR to be a strong plus.

Inconvénients :

I feel like my con is less about Ceridian as a platform and more about the lack of cohesiveness offered by the support team. I feel like the value of and quality of communication and follow-through vary wildly from case to case.


Director Human Resources, Compensation Specialist (Canada)

Télécommunications, 51–200 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus de deux ans

Source de l'avis


5,0il y a 3 ans

Commentaires :My overall experience is great. I so rarely have an issue I cannot solve on my own. The software is easy to use and the customer support is friendly and super helpful. Not 1 complaint on my end.

Avantages :

EVERYTHING!!!!! I love how simple it is to use, straight-forward, I so rarely have to call for issues and when I do need customer support they have all the answers quickly and efficiently.

Inconvénients :

Nothing I absolutely love this software for Payroll.


Payroll Manager (É.-U.)

Produits pharmaceutiques, 201–500 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus de deux ans

Source de l'avis

Expect the Unexpected

5,0il y a 8 ans

Commentaires :We are overall extremely pleased with Ceridian and our vendor partnership with them. They truly take the time to get to know your business and your needs and help decide what the best solutions are for your business - which may not by the newest product they are selling. We have a very complex payroll, and we have the right solution for us at the present time. We also continue to find new ways to leverage the WFM platform to capture as much information as possible about time, labor and attendance. If you are considering making the change to Dayforce, you can't be prepared enough. You need to understand your own policies and procedures like the back of your hand as well as have the ability to explain the same to the implementation team. They will do their best with the information you provide, but it is up to you to ensure they understand and to test everything multiple times to make sure it is what you need.Keep in mind, the platform is highly configurable. As mentioned earlier, we have a rather complex payroll. We have six separate payrolls that combine hourly, salary, weekly, biweekly, union, non-union, etc. A little of everything. The policies for each payroll are entirely different, and both Ceridian HPL and Dayforce handle it without any problems. Here and there we have had to be creative - but it was still able to be accomplished.I have been working in HR and payroll for 15 years and have used numerous different vendors/software over the years. None of them are 100% perfect. But Ceridian comes the closest. It is the most configurable and provides the best ad-hoc reporting tools out there. We have been able to automate many processes that used to be manual systems. This has freed up our HR staff to be more hands-on with employee onboarding, engagement, and development instead of stuck behind their desk completing transactional tasks.

Avantages :

It is highly configurable. It handles changes due to union contracts with ease.

Inconvénients :

The new HTML timesheets have some quirks. I feel hopeful they will be worked out.

Utilisateur vérifié

Utilisateur LinkedIn vérifié

Hôpitaux et soins de santé, 201–500 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus d'un an

Source de l'avis

Dayforce has completely changed how we do life at Kern Health Systems HR.

5,0il y a 7 ans

Commentaires :HR efficiencies, ROI by 60% over our other provider in the first month and a support team that truly supports their clients efforts. I feel like we have gained a partner not a vendor.

Avantages :

We love that we have been able to go paperless in all of our HR processes from application to termination. We no longer use paper apps, compensation change forms, benefits apps, or onboarding documents. Everything is paperless. We can look in the system and see where approvals are sitting. This has made our HR flows and processes so much easier and efficient. We also love the one employee record. From application to hire we only have to enter their information once. We have significantly cut down on our errors and the spreadsheets we used to keep to follow all of our processes. Our Onboarding is streamlined and professional. New hires can fill out all of their documents prior to the first day of work, so that we can maximize our first day with them. And finally Support. The Support Team is world class. I can't speak highly enough about the responsiveness, expertise and efficient way the support team works with their clients! Ceridian gets an A+ for their support.

Inconvénients :

Prior to the newest upgrade to 53, Reporting was a bit clunky and difficult to understand. As a busy HR Leader, I don't have extensive time to take a bunch of classes to learn how to run reports. They need to be easy, user friendly and intuitive. Prior to the upgrade they were not. The new Reports module has come a LONG way in improving this. The reporting module is now in HTML and much easier to understand and use. Other than that, I cannot think of one other Con to the Dayforce system. I came from a very different provider that I was extremely displeased with, so it makes it a little more challenging to find Cons. I am very happy with the decision to move to Ceridian.


Director, HR Systems & Operations (É.-U.)

Matériaux de construction, 501–1 000 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus d'un an

Source de l'avis

Creating a partnership for the 21st century and beyond!

5,0l’année dernière

Commentaires :For the first time, we are able to provide our Executive team an HR Scorecard with data that is trusted. Because the system is fully integrated each process can feed the next. For example, Salary Planning is completed after performance reviews. The performance ratings pull into the compensation planning feature, which when completed and approved, get posted to payroll without human intervention or possibility of data entry errors. When errors affect employee data and pay, we are not providing the best employee experience. This system mitigated the risk of errors with the ability to integrate so many of our HR processes.

Avantages :

We came from an environment that used 7 different systems and did not integrate well. Dayforce's fully integrated HRMS has made a wolrd of difference within our organization. Not only has it alleviated administrative burden on HR, but our managers have more information at their fingertips that allows them to make sound decisions and perform efficiently.

Inconvénients :

I can't say that there is a feature that I like least. We implemented the full suite (minus benefit administration) at the same time, so there is definitely a learning curve when configuring that many modules at the same time. In fact, there are modules that we are still learning the full capabilities of and have yet to fully maximize every aspect of this system.


HRIS Administrator

Logistique et chaîne d'approvisionnement, 1 001–5 000 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus de deux ans

Source de l'avis

Source : SoftwareAdvice

Dayforce HCM is a great, single database cloud software, that is constantly adding new features.

5,0il y a 7 ans

Commentaires :Having used Dayforce HCM for over 5 years, I can honestly say that it is an incredible piece of software that is ever-expanding, and the developers are always hard at work creating more modules.As opposed to previous systems where it required multiple file feeds internally, which would constantly update one place such as the HR record, but would not update in Payroll, Self Service, Benefits, or wouldn't update in any of them; with Dayforce however, there are no longer such data integrity issues, as it uses one database to house it all.It also also far easier on the eyes than some previous systems, and the ad-hoc reporting along with topic builder make creating custom reports quite easy (once you get the gist of how it works - there is a learning curve if you don't take the training - but if you're savvy, it's quite robust).The key with Dayforce is IMPLEMENTATION. If you are not diligent, clear, and thorough with the discovery stage and throughout implementation, it will haunt you down the road. Make a team, dedicate someone to nothing but testing and making sure you've got it doing what each team/department/manager/user needs it to do, just do something to make sure you are comfortable with the application and get what you need, otherwise you will spend a lot of time fixing issues with upset employees .Ceridian has grown their teams vastly, so the support reps can be hit and miss, but if you are techy and willing to learn the system, it is far superior to the others out there, and can be very low maintenance.

Avantages :

One database means data is always consistent throughout modules.The flexibility within the configuration is unmatched.Beautiful appearance and very user-friendly.

Inconvénients :

The switch from SilverLight to HTML has been slow and each release has been somewhat buggy initially after upgrading when using the new HTML pieces.Aside from that, the system is as good as your involvement and motivation to learn (especially during Implementation - be diligent and thorough in your discovery and scoping, or it will be painful when transferred to support).


Manager, Human Resources (Canada)

Matériaux de construction, 501–1 000 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus d'un an

Source de l'avis

DayforceHCM - One Year After Implementation

5,0il y a 7 ans

Commentaires :Pros - Our previous system basically operated on a "point in time" basis; historical information was kept in hard copy in employee files. Reporting from the payroll system was difficult and in many cases required expensive custom reports to be written by the service provider. Approximately 65% of our employees do not have access to the company email account, consequently requests for vacation payments, time off requests, address changes, tax changes, bank account changes were sent to HR by the employee's manager. Employees monitor their own personal information in Dayforce such as salary, job title, etc. ; they have access to forms; managers have access to a multitude of reports to help them manage their workforce. The HR/Payroll team have the ability to provide executive reports almost instantaneously - time spent producing management reports has been significantly reduced. Company policies and agreements have been uploaded into Dayforce eliminating the need to produce hard copy documents - this includes handbooks, links to benefit websites, corporate forms (eg. Code of Conduct) which saves time and money - no hard copies required. Time spent in payroll has not reduced, however, quality has increased significantly - more time is spent in value added auditing rather than paper processing. Compliance with legislation is much easier to manage. Immeasurable ROI on employee satisfaction - we spend more time talking to our employees; Dayforce has facilitated a closer relationship between HR and employees - they feel like they are part of something big, because they can see it! HR and Payroll is no longer a mysterious machine somewhere in corporate office. The Ceridian learning tools are awesome - although we do not have all of the modules, providing access to the Ceridian University gives us opportunities to attend sessions and experience other activities that our organization may want to consider. Con: We do not have enough time to explore/implement the many features available.Overall Satusfaction: Dayforce provides everything we need!Recommendation to Other Buyers - Dayforce HCM is powerful and I highly recommend it for human resource management.

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Avis clients sur Dayforce HCM (2024)
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Author: Van Hayes

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.